S4YE is housed in the Jobs Group within the Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice of the World Bank and financed by the Jobs Umbrella Multi-Donor Trust Fund (Jobs MDTF). The current donors to the Jobs MDTF include Germany (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ), Italy (Ministry of Economy and Finance), Sweden (International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida), Austria (Federal Ministry of Finance), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
S4YE is a global program that brings together donors, governments, foundations, private sector companies, NGOs and youth to support catalytic actions to increase the number of young people engaged in productive work.
Cross sector collaboration to disrupt the youth employment landscape.
Curating Innovation
Curating Innovation
Out-of-the-box thinking to experiment on the ground.
Robust evidence on effective youth employment programs.
Water Solutions for a New Climate Reality
Meet the 20 winning aquapreneur teams chosen to participate in the Accelerator Phase of our World Bank Youth Innovation Challenge!
Thematic Areas
S4YE's Multi-Partner Working Groups on specific topics within three thematic areas: Future of Work (e.g. digital platform-enabled work), Inclusion (e.g. jobs for young women; youth with disabilities), and Frontier Topics in Emerging Sectors (e.g. circular economy; creative economy).